
D.O. I.T.- Drammaturgie Oltre il Teatro
Second Edition

Competition announcement

The Cultural Association “ChiPiùNeArt”, in cooperation with the D.O. I.T. Festival, announces the second edition of the International Contest of Contemporary Drama “L’Artigogolo” (Playwrights).

The contest includes three sections:

  1. New Playwrights
  2. Playwrights in Action
  3. Playwrights from all over the world

To the first section all Italian citizens of age who have never staged or published a play written by them can participate.

To the second section all Italian citizens of age who have accomplished at least one documented experience in the field of drama (Publication, staging of an original text or of a rewriting) can participate

All adult citizen from all over the world, resident in Italy or abroad, who have accomplished at least one documented experience in the field of drama (publication, staging of an original texf or a rewrite) can partecipate to the third section in their mother tongue.

The time limit for submitting applications to take part in the contest is without fail set on 15 Feb 2016.

The participation share is € 10 (Organization and secretary rights). Each participant can send only one text.


Art. 1
The sections provided for by the contest are three:

  1. New Playwrights
  2. Playwrights in Action
  3. Playwrights from all over the world

Art. 2
To take part in one of the sections it is necessary to send a play in Italian or, for the third section, in a foreign language. In case of participation to the third section (Playwrights from all over the world) it is essential to attach a literal translation in Italian.

The text must reach the association along with the application form (Appendix A) and the copy of the payment of € 10,00 made by transfer to Associazione Culturale ChiPiùNeArt to the following sites IBAN: IT30G020080520000013055636 (Banca Unicredit Filiale Centro Commerciale I Granai Roma) specifying in the reason “Concorso L’Artigogolo – Name of the Author”.

Art. 3
To enter the contest it is necessary to fill in the fields below, attaching the material requested exclusively on line. Material sent by ordinary mail or by any means not included by what clearly indicated in this announcement, will not be considered.

Full list of the documents to send:

  • Text in format doc, docx, odt, pdf, (Font Times New Roman, 12-point)
  • Application form (Appendix A)
  • Copy of the payment of €10,000 or file containing the Number of CRO (for credit transfer coming from Italy), stating the banking transaction made.

(The credit transfer order requested outside the EU must be carried out applying the exchange rate existing at the time of the request).

On the frontispiece of the text the author’s data and contact details must NOT be indicated, but there must be only the title of the work.
The author’s data must appear only in the Appendix A.
The name of the file must contain only the title of the work.

Art. 4
Each contestant can send only one text to the Association within and not after 15 Feb 2016. Applications sent by ordinary mail or by any other means which are not specifically requested by the present regulations or incomplete applications will not be considered valid.

Art. 5

  • The participants to the first section must not in any way have staged or published a play of their own.
    By ”publication” it is meant the print and the distribution of a volume having an ISBN code whether in paper or in e-book form.
  • The participants to the second and third section must send a text which has not been published by any publishing house, neither in paper form nor in e-book version; the text may be a complete play and have already been staged. To enter the second and third sections, it is necessary for the author to document the mis-en-scene or the publication of any other play. Therefore they must specify in the Appendix A, where and when the work has been staged and by which professional Company, also attaching the links or the files in PDF format of the press review. Plays staged by amateur companies will not be considered valid. In case of publication of another work, the author will have to mention the Publishing House and the ISBN code of the volume. Also the publications within anthologies and the publications in e-book format are considered valid, provided that they have a regular ISBN code.
  • The participation to the third section will be considered valid only if the text in original language is accompanied by a literal translation into Italian.

 Art. 6
The works received by 15 Feb 2016 will be examined by a  selection Panel made up of representatives from the fields of culture and art. The names of the members of the Panel can be seen on the following link (Giuria 2016) and on the Facebook page of the association.

Art. 7
The selection Panel is made up of 14 members. The Panel will be helped by foreign languages and literature teachers sent for to examine the works of the third section.
For  each section there shall be only one winner.  The Panel shall be entitled not to announce the winner of one or more sections whenever the quality of the works does not comply with the requested characteristics.
The Panel will examine the works in contest and decide on the finalists. Moreover, it has the power of giving a special mention to other works which will be considered worthy.
The names of the winners (one for each section) will be communicated by email by 20 March 2016.

Art. 8
The assessment of the Panel is incontestable.

Art. 9 Prizes
First,Second and Third sections: The winning plays (one for each section), will be included in an Anthology of Contemporary Drama published by the Publishing House ChiPiùNeArt  in the drama series “Le Nebulose”; the publication will be totally paid by the Publishing House (
The winning works, in case they make up an entire performance, will be able to participate, in contest, to the third edition of the D.O. I.T. Festival- “Drammaturgie Oltre il Teatro” which will be held in Rome in 2017 (for further information see Competition Notice for D.O. I.T. Festival 2016- Second
The finalists of each section will be guests at the ceremony of award at the Festival.  During the ceremony, the winners and those who have been mentioned will be enabled to present an excerpt of their work in the form of reading, mise en espàce or any other means agreed to with the organization.
The dates and the venues of the Festival will be made known on the site and on
All the winning works will have the possibility to be hosted within a network of little Italian theatres during the season 2016/2017 (the procedures will be laid down,  from time to time, along with each theatre): the lead theatre is the Teatro Il Moscerino di Pinerolo- TO (Teatro Il Moscerino). The names of the other theatres participants will be made known on the site of the Association ChiPiùNeArt.

Art. 10 – Declaration of ownership and originality of the work- Attached B to the present notice
The authors of the selected works, winners or mentioned, will have to sign a declaration of ownership and originality of the play and certify to be the only one holders of the copyright or holders along with a third party, relieving the Cultural Association ChiPiùNeArt and the ChiPiùNeArt Edizioni S.r.l.s. from any  controversy, should it arise within the Competition or later in case of false declarations.

Art. 11 – Waiver to the publication- Attached C to the present Notice
The winners will sign a waiver allowing ChiPiùNeArt Edizioni S.r.l.s to publish their own works free of charge.

The participation in the competition automatically involves the acceptance of all the articles of these Rules and Regulations.

Art. 13
The participants accept the processing of personal data within the meaning of Legislative Decree 30th  June 2003, n. 196 and as amended in the Appendix  A to the present notice.

Appendix A must be saved on your computer, opened with Adobe Reader, compiled and saved again before being attached to the form below. Annexes B and C are a facsimile and must be filled in at a later time, just in case your text was selected.